To Know Christ, and to Make Christ Known

8 a.m. Rite I Holy Eucharist
9 a.m. Bible and Brew (parish hall)
9:30 a.m. Nursery open for infants and toddlers
10 a.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist (livestream)
11:15 a.m. Children's Sunday School
3:30 p.m. Centering Prayer
5:30 p.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist
601 East Walnut Street
Springfield, Missouri

Christ Church Welcomes All People
Christ Church would like to welcome you to participate fully in worship, fellowship, and service opportunities – regardless of your race, age, sex, national origin, marital or family status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, level of education, religious background, or political viewpoint. Regardless of your background or identity, we believe that you are made in the image of God, and we are excited to welcome you.
Mark your calendars! The 30 Plus or Minus group is gathering for fellowship on Monday, February 10th, at 5:30pm at Tie & Timber Beer Co. This will be a wonderful space to relax, catch up, and enjoy each other’s company. We’d love to see you there!
Enjoy a Valentine’s Day date night while we entertain the kids! Drop them off at the church on Friday, February 14th, from 6-9pm for an evening of fun (and dinner!) with Kenny and Val. Cost is $25 for one child and $20 for each additional sibling. Proceeds support our Youth and Choir programs. Click Here to sign up. Thank you for your support!

The Episcopal Church
The Most Rev. Sean Rowe, Presiding Bishop

The Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri
The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce