Don't just GO to Church. BE the Church.
Christ Church provides several opportunities for those who wish to live out their baptismal covenant in the community. Below you will find a list of many of our ministries here at Christ Church that help make the community and the world a more loving and compassionate place. We would love to have you belong, serve, and grow with us.

Christ Church offers many activities for all ages, such as Sunday School, Bible study, and Education for Ministry classes.
At Christ Church, we recognize the role of children and families in sustaining a living church. We offer many weekly programs, special events, and other activities to strengthen the future of the faithful. Sunday School classes meet during the school year on Sundays at 9 a.m. for children from three years of age to fifth grade. Children's Worship is offered during the 10 a.m. service for children ages three to seven. During the summer, we have a Vacation Bible School program for children from preschool through fifth grade. Christ Church also offers a nursery for infants and toddlers from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. each Sunday. For more information, contact Emilie Bridges (
The youth program at Christ Church is very active within the parish and the diocese as a whole. With annual camps, outreach involvement, and spiritual activities, the youth are able to show and spread the love of Jesus throughout the community. During the school year, the Youth Group meets each Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. There is also a wide range of summer fun activities throughout the summer. Contact Kenny Kabak ( to learn more.
Christ Episcopal Church is partnered with Ekklesia, an inclusive ecumenical campus ministry through MSU that is affiliated with five denominations including the United Church of Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Disciples of Christ Christian Church, Presbyterian Church, and the Episcopal Church. Ekklesia welcomes "...Jesus followers, seekers, doubters, interfaith advocates, and people of all ethnicities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We strive to make our campuses and world more just, loving, and peaceful places through critical thought, prophetic action, and authentic spirituality..." To learn more about Ekklesia visit
Women's ministries have a rich history at Christ Church. Women in the church are able to participate in activities such as Daughters of the King, St. Mary's Guild, and other programs to meet their needs and the needs of the church.
The Men's Fellowship at Christ Church provides a monthly opportunity for breakfast and conversation. They are also very active in other church events and service projects in the community.
Parishioners aged 55+ are highly involved in Christ Church. Whether it's gardening, knitting, or volunteering in outreach programs, seniors play a huge role in helping spread the love of Christ in our church and the Springfield community.

If you are seeking to grow either spiritually, personally, or both, Christ Church offers many volunteer opportunities and ministries that help support growth. Our ministries focus on fellowship opportunities, compassion, assisting the Springfield community, and providing assistance to Haiti. There's bound to be a ministry or volunteer opportunity that calls to you, and will help you find spiritual and personal fulfillment.
Bible and Brew is a fellowship opportunity for adults at Christ Church. Bible and Brew is held each Sunday at 9 a.m. in room 102 (near the parish hall). We invite you to join us for coffee and discussion on a wide range of biblical and spiritual topics.
Christ Church has supported Bissett Elementary School for over 10 years. We are involved in numerous events that benefit the children, teachers, and the school. Each year we partner with OneSolePurpose to provide new shoes for the children of Bissett Elementary.
If you love to read we encourage you to join us for Book Club! The Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month beginning at 10 a.m. in the church library. Please come and join us for coffee, fellowship, and great reads.
We have a weekly Centering Prayer group and you are invited to join each Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in-person in the library or on ZOOM. To join the ZOOM meeting, Click Here.
The communications committee helps to support our website, newsletter, and various social media platforms. Our goal is to keep our church members and community informed of our events, services, and activities.
Crosslines was founded on March 24, 1969, here in Springfield, and provides emergency food to those in need. Volunteers assist with the day-to-day operations at Crosslines.
Daughters of the King is a prayer and service order for women of the Episcopal Church. Our members pray daily for those in need, and we help provide support for baptismal ceremonies.
The support group for dementia caregivers meets on the third Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. via Zoom. The support group is open to all who are caring for a loved one suffering from dementia.
The Garden Guild is an active group of volunteers who help keep the church grounds beautiful and have fun at the same time! We pull weeds, plant flowers, sell geraniums in the spring, and enjoy the dirt and sunshine!
The current Grief Support class is finished and a new class will be forming in the near future.
Members of Christ Church make mission trips to Haiti and donate time, energy, and money to the Lespwa Timoune Clinic in Haiti. We help support families in Haiti by providing medical care, food, clothing, and many other resources. Our church is partnered with the organization Light from Light. To learn more, please visit to see the great things being accomplished in Haiti
All men of the parish are invited to join us on the third Wednesday of the month for fellowship and breakfast at Scramblers (1131 E Republic Rd) at 7 a.m.
After more than 60 years in business, Next to New continues to offer you and the community consignment and/or donations of “next to new” clothing. Our team of volunteers helps the store during its day-to-day operations. The Next to New shop is located across the street at 416 S. Kimbrough Ave, 65806. Next to New is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Outreach Committee works to provide support to our local community through community dinners, sack lunch programs, monetary donations, and more. The Outreach Committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. in room 207 upstairs. We invite anyone who is interested in helping community members of all ages to join us for our meetings.
The Pastoral Care committee seeks to bring comfort, healing, and support to fellow parishioners. We take flowers to the elderly, provide visits and support to the home-bound, and help organize funeral needs.
Rare Breed is a central hub that provides immediate access to basic needs and rapid access to community services for homeless and at-risk youth ages 13-24. Volunteers from Christ Church support Rare Breed by providing an evening meal once a month consisting of an entree, side dishes, to-go items, fruit and beverage.
Safe to Sleep is a women’s shelter that is supported through One Door, the Ozark Council of Churches, and volunteers from Christ Church. Safe to Sleep helps to serve women in need 365 days a year.
We have many members who like to sew and have multiple sewing ministries. Members of our sewing groups provide knitted blankets for newborns, kneelers for the Church, prayer shawls, and lap robes, or simply knit for fellowship.
During the outbreak of COVID-19, members of the Christ Church sewing guild produced over 11,000 masks for friends, neighbors, hospitals, and others. Here is a video of the history of the Sewing Guild and the wonderful work they do here and in Haiti.
St. Mary’s Guild is open to all women of Christ Church. Our main purpose is to promote fellowship among all women of the church and serves as the umbrella organization for the Next to New shop. St. Mary’s Guild plans multiple fellowship events during the year.
Members of the Welcome & Growth committee greet all new visitors and members when they enter the church, and help those interested find a ministry service. Welcome and Growth also provides brunch for all visitors of the church every other month throughout the year.
The Well of Life is a food pantry that helps serve the local Springfield community. The Well of Life is staffed by volunteers from many different area churches, including Christ Church.
The Women's Bible Study group meets for an hour each Wednesday at 10 a.m. in room 102. We read the lectionary for the upcoming Sunday and focus our discussion on the New Testament readings, especially the Gospel.

If you are interested in participating in a service role during worship, here are some ways in which you may help serve and grow closer to Christ.
The acolytes of Christ Church consist of children, youth, and adults. "An acolyte is a lay person who assists in worship by carrying the processional cross or crucifix, lighting and extinguishing candles, hold torches at the reading of the gospel, helping with the presentation of the bread, wine, and gifts of the people, and assisting the deacon or priests in the preparation of the altar for communion." Acolytes faithfully serve at our various worship services.
Wall, John N. A Dictionary for Episcopalians. Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2007
The Altar Guild provides service for every Holy Eucharist, wedding, funeral, chapel service, and baptism. They also care for all of the items included in the worship services. Members deliver the altar flowers to the ill and home-bound after the Sunday services.
The St. Gregory Adult Choir, St. Cecilia Junior Choir, and our Handbell Choir and musicians contribute to regular worship services and special services throughout the year. We strive to make Christ known through the inspiration of music.
Eucharistic Ministers read lessons, lead psalms and the prayers for the day, and help clergy distribute communion at each service. Service as a Lay Eucharistic Minister is a privilege granted by a license from the Bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri at the request of the parish rector.
Eucharistic Visitors are those who take the consecrated elements in a timely manner to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to attend the worship services. Service as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor is a privilege granted by a license from the Bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri at the request of the parish rector.
Serving as a Lector gives lay people of all ages the opportunity to participate in worship by reading lessons, leading psalms, and the prayers for the day at every service.
The role of the usher is to greet members and newcomers alike at the front door, to help people find seating, to distribute service bulletins, and answer questions about the service. Additionally, Ushers assist with the collection plates, take counts of those in attendance, and keep alert for the safety of the congregation. Ushers serve during Sunday services, funerals, and weddings.